The Cottage School has approximately 80 students between Kinder and Grade 6. The Kinder group attends full days on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to 3pm. Prep to Grade 6 children attend from 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday. The school is organised into small groupings, which combined with a high level of staffing, allows for a flexible education that addresses individual learning abilities.

In Kinder the children are provided with many opportunities to learn through play. They are taught social skills in a nurturing environment. Learning is meaningful, with regular excursions into the local community and further afield. Each day the children enjoy activities which establish a foundation in numeracy and literacy.
Littlies Prep
Our stand alone Prep class provides an easy transition from Kinder to full time school in Prep. The Foundation Curriculum is the driver for children to develop mathematical thinking and understanding through a wide range of practical hands on experiences. In English a variety of age appropriate approaches is used to develop reading, writing and spelling skills. Prep is a time when formal learning is gradually woven into the daily routines which retain a play based emphasis. Children are provided with time and opportunities to learn through play, to express themselves and to follow their individual interests. Prep is a time when the social skills that are first developed in Pre-Kinder and Kinder are further enhanced, their natural spirit of enquiry is fostered, and their enthusiasm towards learning is maintained.
Middlies 1/2
Middlies 1/2 is the first composite class encountered by our students. With the sound concepts developed in the Littlies, they are confident and ready to be extended in mathematics and language. A combination of topics of interest and learning in the environment, help them to expand their knowledge of the world into which they are emerging. The small group, co-operative learning activities, camps and environment days provide opportunities for social skills to grow. They love the time given to plan their own activities.
Middlies 3/4
Children progress to the Middlies as competent learners. Their enthusiasm is maintained because there is time to follow their own interests. This goes hand in hand with teaching that widens their knowledge in all facets of literacy and numeracy. It is a time when children are challenged to become responsible for decision making, to have a positive impact on the school, and to become socially active with organisations which represent the values of the school. Camps and other outdoor activities take on a new meaning, and the development of independent children with a strong moral compass is always in the mix. This is a transition time to the next step of becoming a Cottage School Biggie and all that the position entails.
Biggies 5/6
During the upper primary years children are encouraged to take greater responsibility for their learning, aiming for the independence and intrinsic motivation expected in the high school setting. Children are encouraged to set themselves challenges and goals and to reflect on their own learning. Investigations and activities in numeracy and literacy are structured to ensure that the children gain competency in the fundamental concepts in each area. These foundations give children the confidence and capability to communicate their ideas and opinions.
In our commitment to the education of the ‘whole child’ activities such as orienteering, rock climbing, squash, bush walking, and outdoor camping compliment the academic program. In both the classroom and wider learning environments, activities are structured so children develop the skills
Find out more about other activities in our Curriculum.