
School Fair

Posted on Monday, 12th November, 2012

The Cottage School fair, our major fund raiser for the year, was held last Saturday at the Bellerive PCY.

Once again the school community worked hard to pull together a wonderful event that attracts a large number of regulars, friends, families and first timers. Funds raised at the fair (a substantial amount of money particularly for a small school) goes into the Friends of Cottage School (FOCS) fund and is used to purchase items needed other than the normal everyday things required for running a school. High on the list is a new school bus, but other things include the redevelopment of the sand pit, a food processor and cooking utensil for the cooked lunch program, the new deck in the nook in front of the White Cottage just to name a few

A very big thank you to the school community for making  and donating the wonderful produce sold at the fair and the help provided on the day. A big thank you also goes out to the businesses that donated produce or vouches – all have contributed to making the day such a success. Elisia and the Innis-Short family deserve special thanks as the tireless fair coordinator and her patient family that lives through the build up to this one day in November!

More pictures coming soon to the gallery…

One of the highlights of fair day for the kids is the ‘wet and wild play’ that takes place back at school whilst parents and staff  pack up. Tom, our Middlies 3/4 teacher, reminds the kids of our playground rules “Is it safe, is it fair, does it show I care” before things get underway.

See more pictures at the Fair Gallery…