An upgrade to the Cottage School sandpit had been in the planning for a few years, however sometimes things just have to wait until the right people come along…
Parents Kevin Roberts and Rob Gowty, together with Kinder teacher Janet Patel, provided just the right mix to get things started. Much discussion and planning went into what the childrens’ needs were and what would work for the school as a whole.

Finally things got started in mid 2012 with the added help of George Underwood, Ben Walker and Dong-Chul Lim (known onsite as DC) and it wasn’t long before things started to get serious with sand being removed, holes being dug, cement being laid, dirt being moved, new sand brought in, more dirt moved, timber walls erected, bit more dirt moved before finally the new sandpit was ready for some serious play time.

All the workers involved got much thanks and gratitude from the staff, the school community and most importantly the children who produced some very special thank you cards. These will be cherished and go into the ‘special things’ drawer.
The grand opening saw a song performed by Margie’s Prep/1s and Hana’s Middlies 1/2s that summarised in song, the highs and lows of the sandpit build. It was enough to bring a tear to a burly old sandpit builder’s eye.

Perhaps the new sandpit will still be in use when our children’s’ children come to Kinder for the first time…